Not every idea needs to become a book.
As hard as it is for me to admit, some ideas are just here to slow us down, to make us consider what else might be possible.
I’ve noticed that when a new idea sparks, my first filter is, "Okay, is this a book?" But maybe I’m more in love with the feeling of the idea than the process of building it. As creatives, I’m sure this sounds familiar. A new idea pops up, and you’re off—maybe you grab your sketchbook or start mind-mapping, just like I do.
But what if we just sat with the idea? No labels, no urgency—at least not right away. I’m curious: have you ever felt that initial excitement and resisted the urge to act immediately? Instead of racing to execute before it “vanishes,” what if you simply touched base with that idea every day for a week? What if you asked it questions, let yourself get acquainted with it?
This is tough for me, because I love to implement. I get an idea, and next thing you know, it’s halfway built. But if we want to stretch ourselves as creatives, sometimes we have to (and yes, I’ll take my own advice here) slow down.
Think about the last three ideas you’ve had. Reflect on what you know about yourself and your process.
Reflective Question: How could you challenge yourself to approach new ideas differently—not as a task, but as a way to see what else is possible?
I’d love to hear from you if this resonates. As always, your replies to these weekly messages make my day. 😊
With love,
As always, if you know of a friend who could benefit from reading this weekly share, please forward share. I want these personal shares within the Say No With Love Newsletter to reach the right people : )